getting everyone building - uk school workshops
We run workshops with primary and secondary schools across the UK, engaging students at an early age in the built environment sector. Our workshops place a specific focus on schools with high populations of underrepresented groups, above average percentages of free school meal recipients and groups of students who might be first generation university applicants.
Through interactive talks, drawing, modelling sessions, measuring, mathematical surveying, and physical construction, the students get an increased understanding of the different routes into a construction and creative practice. Working from brief making and design concept, through to hands on sessions with all levels, including hard to reach kinaesthetic learners.
We partner with corporates who support through funding and occasionally join us in the delivery of our workshops!
‘Getting everyone building’ Services
Architectural Design
Landscape Design
Interior Design
Installation Design
Furniture Design
Environmental Design
Structural Design*
Student Engagement Workshops
*through trusted partner consultants
General Contracting
Construction Management
Cost Management
Furniture making
Post Occupancy Surveying
PR Photography & Content Creation
School Skills Workshops
Cross Curricula Learning
Construction Skills Workshops
Brief Making Workshops
Careers Sessions
Tool & Work Inductions, Project Support
Our process adds value to our projects, and achieves an economical build that also has a big impact.
Well designed projects, built with integrity to have a lasting impact don’t need to be expensive. Our process not only reduces our client’s risk, cost and timeframe but provides a measurable social, environmental or economic impact. We constantly monitor and evaluate the impact our work has on the communities in which it is situated and consider this highly important to progress towards our vision of quality design that is accessible to all.
With more efficiencies throughout the whole process, cost can be greatly reduced. Less requirement for external consultants or sub contractors creates further savings. On charitable development projects, workshop income helps to further reduce professional fees.
Less requirement for communication between different parties reduces time on site (when compared with other procurement methods). Designing of certain elements can happen on site, further reducing time.
With a single point of contact and responsibility, the client’s risk is reduced.
Our combined team experience further reduces the risk.
With a wide network of collaborators inputting ideas and expertise, innovative design and construction solutions are formed.
Through the integral involvement of local communities, our projects create a social, environmental and economic impact, creating a building with added value.
Have a project in mind?